Pond Rushes Pond Calculator Instructions
US Measurements
This calculator will perform some basic calculations such as volume, surface
area, and liner size as well as a few more. To use it, here's what you do:
1. Select a shape to the left that closest resembles your pond.
This will replace this screen with a form to enter details about
your pond.
2. Enter your pond details in the boxes provided.
3. Click on the submit button to start the calculations.
Note: I've added 3 feet to the minimal liner size to allow 18 inches for your pond edging.
Please enter all numbers in feet and decimals of feet, i.e. 12 feet 3 inches
is entered as 12.25.
Hope you enjoy this tool. I had fun writing it. If you have any suggestions
or comments, please feel free to drop me a line at: crush11@charter.net.
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Copyright 2001 Chuck Rush